I help people develop communication skills and use this incredible skill to grow in careers and business.
I am a Toastmaster and Certified Speaker and Trainer by the John Maxwell Team recognized internationally for providing excellent and customized training and
key-note speeches on leadership, communication and personal growth.


Events For Public Speaking

I Create Communicators who Lead Better , Start a Conversation on

  • Leadership and Communication
  • Performance Improvement to Businesses
  • Coach professionals to develop presentation skills
  • Facilitate the Leadership Game of the John Maxwell Team
  • Train Leaders of Organization and Community
  • Assess Behaviour using Maxwell DISC methodology

MY JOURNEY – till now..!
Transformation into a Coach

Over the years, I realised that people acquire technical skills but lack communication skills. Hence they are not able to be successful in their business and career. People are afraid of public speaking but due to ever changing dynamics in professional life, there is no choice but to speak on all platforms (Both offline and online). That’s why, I started helping people in developing communication skills.

Joined Toastmaster International in 2013 and started two corporate toastmaster clubs that are responsible for training the general managers, sales managers and others to acquire communication skills that help them grow in their career.
Joined John Maxwell Team and got certified in 2020. I enjoy facilitating Leadership Game at corporates and with individuals( virtually as well as in person.) I have also facilitated several masterminds covering topics like personal growth, communication and leadership. I am frequently invited to speak for “lunch and learn or webinars” on topics like business growth and leadership development.